Professional And Ethical Duty Part-01
Professional And Ethical Duty Part-02
Professional And Ethical Duty Part-03
Accounting And Technology Part-01
Accounting And Technology Part-02
01 Valuation Of Inventories Ind As 2
03 Borrowing Cost Ind As 23
04 Impairment Of Assets Ind As 36
05 Intangible Assets Ind As 38
06 Investment Property Ind As 40
07 Non Current Assets Ind As 105
08 Lease Accounting Ind As 116
09 Employee Benefits Ind As 19
11 Foreign Currency Ind As 21
12 Taxes On Income Ind As 12
13 Related Party Disclosures Ind As 24
14 Earning Per Share Ind As 33
15 Operating Segment Ind As 108
17 Agricultural Activities Ind As 41
18 Share Based Payment Ind As 102
20 Revenues From Contracts Ind As 115
21 & 22 Business Combination & Consolidation (Ind As 103 & 110)
23 Presentation Of Financial Statements Ind As 1
24 Interim Financial Reporting Ind As 34
25 Cash Flow Statements Ind As 7
26 Accounting Policy Ind As 8
27 Event After Balance Sheet Ind As 10
28 Fair Value Measurement Ind As 113
29 First Time Adoption Of Ind As
30 & 34 Case Studies On Ind As & Financial Statements
33 Conceptual Framework For FR